Sunday, December 29, 2019

Globalization and Its Impact on International Business Essay

Table of the content Introduction....................................................................3 What is Globalization....................................................4 The engines for Globalizations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Globalization’s impacts on international business†¦..7 The road ahead for international business†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..11 Reference†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 Introduction Every day we hear it on the news, read it in the papers, overhear people talking about it†¦ and in every single instance the word globalization seems to have a different meaning. So, what is globalization? What are its main drivers? Why and how does globalization impact international business? What’s the future of†¦show more content†¦This is linked to technological changes, innovation and invention in many different markets. If the MES is rising this means that the domestic market may be regarded as too small to satisfy the selling needs of these industries. Overseas sales become essential. Globalization’s impacts on international business The trend towards globalization and internationalization, together with the nature of competition, means that an increasing number of firms need to deal with business issues in an international context. Why does this trend toward a global economy mean for managers with an international business? Let’s exam the global business environment and see how globalization environments impacts on international business. Generally, the globalShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Globalization On International Business828 Words   |  4 PagesGlobalization has influenced the way our world works today. This is the process of international business. 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This report will examine the definition of globalization, advantages and disadvantages of globalization and the popularity of globalization. Some strong evidences gathered by the primary and secondary data. Some content is based on my personal knowledge. Table of content 2. Introduction Nowadays, globalization plays the vital role all around the world. ThereRead MoreHow Globalization Affects Developing Countries?1504 Words   |  7 PagesHow Globalization Affects Developed Countries The phenomenon of globalization began in a primitive form when humans first settled into different areas of the world; however, it has shown a rather steady and rapid progress in the recent times and has become an international dynamic which, due to technological advancements, has increased in speed and scale, so that countries in all five continents have been affected and engaged. What Is Globalization? 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The multinational corporation The impact of globalization on international business International business refers to a wide range of business activities unde rtaken across national borders. Along with rapidly increasing globalization, international business has become a popular topic and has drawn the attention of business executives, government officials and academics. International business is different from domestic business. At the internationalRead MoreGlobalization of Supply Chain Management1422 Words   |  6 PagesConclusions The globalization of supply chain management is the natural outcome of today’s expanding consumer markets as companies struggle to meet the dynamic needs of growing markets and new customer segments. It has led to a high degree of specialization under an ever-expanding world market. People with special skills can work with little overheads and market globally. Small companies can flourish. Introduction The pace of globalization on the supply chain continues to foster opportunities

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Importance Of Police And Citizen Collaboration

Homestead, Florida has recently made the map for a city of high crime in the state of Florida. With its up and coming progress, come its staking high crime rates. This paper will discuss the importance of police and citizen collaboration as well as the views of the public on policing within the community and the differences between large and small police departments. Interviewee A and Interviewee B both reside in Homestead, Florida, therefore, providing the aspects of two (2) individuals who are aware of the same community and the crimes that occur within that community. Interviewee A (whom has asked that her identity be protected) is a middle class woman in her early thirties who works as an investigator for the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Florida. Additionally, she resides in Homestead, Florida with her husband and their 5-year-old son. According to Interviewee A, â€Å"Police officers that are assigned to my community are very rarely seen. The few times I have come in contact with them, they have been friendly and respectful†. Bain, Robinson and Conser (2014) suggest that â€Å"Reactive policing means that, for the most part, people in the community will only ever have contact with the police in one of two way: (1) following their involvement with crime, either as an offender, victim or witness; and/or (2) through their consumption of media reporting†, thus resulting in isolated policing to serve as the only basis of knowledge in which to judge police service.Show MoreRelatedExpanding Accountability Reflection894 Words   |  4 Pages Expanding accountability measurements is another issue that should be further enhanced in police departments. This usually takes place through automation and comprehensive qualitative reviews that provide a more thorough account of the milestones achieved by officers. For instance, leaders in different police departments need to communicate the idea of efficiency, which will eventually improve the performance of officers (Scott, 2017). From this perspective, automating certain accountability measurementsRead MoreA New Community Based Policing Program1037 Words   |  5 PagesAGENCY NAME: Phoenix Police Department PROPOSAL NAME: Phoenix Police Service Academy (PPSA) ______ SUBMITTED BY: Marisol Edith Ortega DATE: March 7th, 2015. COSTS: Year Total General Fund Budget Year $1,065,058 $1,065,058 Year 2 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Year 3 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 INTRODUCCTORY SUMMARY: The Police Department proposes to implement a new community-based policing program for young men and women in police operations and law enforcement practices. The program will serveRead MorePolicing And Traditional Policing Models1300 Words   |  6 Pagesfor their actions and inactions; the idea and implementation wasn’t widely accepted until 1980’s. Traditional policing was primarily dominated by rampant corruption and lawlessness that affected all levels of the police administration; therefore citizens had little trust if any, in the police officers of the time. Traditional policing models had very little input from the community they were supposed to serve; the shift of the officer tended to be quite repetitive in nature. Traditional policing wasRead MorePolice Enforcement And Police Officers Essay1621 Words   |  7 Pagesare various roles in law enforcement today, Patrol Police officers, Detectives, Criminal Investigators, Correctional Officers, Jailers, Sheriffs Security Guards, Private Detectives, Investigators, and various other protective service professionals. I believe they are all important in their own way, each role is crucial to the way our society operates today. I also believe the most important role in law enforcement today, is the community police officers/Patrol officers. That is due to the responsibilitiesRead MoreThe Death Of Michael Brown1585 Words   |  7 PagesIn the summer of 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. After the shooting, there had been conflicting rep orts by police and eyewitnesses about what exactly happened. Officer Wilson insist Brown was confrontational throughout the encounter, while eyewitnesses say Brown has his hands up trying to surrender before he was shot and killed. Following the Grand jury’s decision not to indict officer Wilson over the shooting of Michael Brown and similarRead MoreSanctuary Cities In The Media. Can Sanctuary Cities Be1024 Words   |  5 Pageseffective in both the policing and protection of undocumented citizens and if so, how will they regulate the population in question? A main issue being displayed here is a lack of standardized regulations being set by sanctuary cities. Instead of setting a precedent of resisting government immigration policies, these efforts would better have spent towards setting up and promoting programs that assist illegal immigrants in becoming American citizens. This paper will look at articles regarding sanctuaryRead MoreRole Of The Department Of Homeland Se curity1659 Words   |  7 PagesStates observed the tenth anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks in the history of the United States . The creation of many anti-terrorism organizations was a clear message that this threat is beyond a single military or intelligence capacity. Our citizens demanded a strong response that would prevent any future terrorist threat. President Bush created the Department of Homeland Security as the key agency responsible for all anti-terrorism activities to protect our homeland. 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Crime inevitably occurs during the night that during the day, it is in this light that the Mayor of Kansas his Lord worship Sly James in collaboration with the Council, passed a law imposing a curfew on youth younger than eighteen years of age. The curfew prohibits the underage youth from moving about in the city as from nine o’clock for younger ones and eleven for the older groups. Dating backRead MoreAre Neighborhood Watch Programs That Effective?1699 Words   |  7 Pagesyour home. Your next door neighbor is in a good position to call the local authorities to aid in your assistance. They are the ones would more than likely be able to see any intruders or any type of suspicious activity. It is slim to none that the police will catch this activity. This fact alone is what has made neighborhood watch programs so well-liked within the last couple decades. Due to participation in neighborhood watch programs the numbers has almost doubled over the past decade according

Friday, December 13, 2019

HK study guide Free Essays

Distinguish between viruses, bacteria, ricketiest, fungi, parasites, and prisons. 2. Viruses: RNA or DNA. We will write a custom essay sample on HK study guide or any similar topic only for you Order Now Obligate intracellular parasites. Seek â€Å"permissive cells to infect. Some strains have shown periodic changes by have mutations and forming new strands; Require a tissue culture In order to grow; Consist of RNA or DNA In a protective globetrotting coat; Influenza – Dengue Fever ? carried by mosquito SST. Louis encephalitis virus – carried by mosquito HIVE Hepatitis – Makes skin a yellow tint; can get from tattoos and has a long term risk of lung cancer (type C) Rhinoceros Measles Norwalk virus – highly infective and can ruin Cruise ship vacations Rabies – transmitted in animal and human fluid and tissues and usually cause from an animal bit that opens the skin of a human; get anti-vaccine once bit Bola – transmitted in animal and human fluid and tissues Herpes – DNA virus; can be given antibiotics to try to fight It; Chickenpox – DNA virus Smallpox – DNA virus 3. Bacteria: free-living organisms capable of reproduction If needs are not met: nutrients, environment (e. G. Temp, aerobic/anaerobic) susceptible host (compromised immune defenses). Categorized by shape: cuscus (stash, strep, concusses, pneumatics), bacilli (tetanus, botulism), spirochetes (syphilis, Boreal, Gram+ bacteria retain the purplish stain); prokaryotic the smallest free-living forms Staphylococcus – Streptococcus Concusses – SIT that affects mucus membranes in urethra and creates discharge and burning through urethra; cultures can show negative even when it is positive; can give children eye Infections at birth Tuberculosis – lung disorder that causes the mouth; destroys cartilage Chlamydia – get In cells but respond to antibiotics Pneumatics Incongruous Clamatorial tenant – rod shaped Botulism – rod-shaped; a neurotic also used in medicine Perplexing – bacilli; gangrene Hemophilia influenza – bacillus that causes respiratory infections Bacillus anthracic – causes skin lesions and lung infections Salmonella – food poisoning Comparable – food poisoning E. Coli 01 57:HA – food poisoning; Mycobacterium tuberculosis – slow growing lung disease acquired from the air-born spread of rod-shaped bacteria that are affected by host Trepanned – spiral shaped bacteria that causes syphilis Boreal burglarproofed – spiral shaped and is carried by a tick that causes Lime Tine piped – athlete’s foot (foot fungus); also know as ringworm but not from a worm Tine crisis – affects the groin Candida Albanians – yeasts in the vagina (vaginas), mouth bloodstream Pneumatics caring – one of the most common infections in AIDS patients Valley Fever – bumps on face; from mosquito in SW USA; sadomasochism’s 5. Parasites: complex multiplied single celled organisms. Ameba’s, Guardia, hookworm, scriptorium’s inhabit unsanitary water. Schistose, malaria plasmid, folia, noncommercial’s transportations organisms utilize other creates to omelet their lifestyles Mites Lice Plasmid follicular – causes malaria; vector is an anopheles mosquito that is the most dangerous of parasites Schistose – worms that infect the liver and bladder from a snail Tapeworm – acquired from pork or beef Hookworm – acquired from soil Circumscription – waterborne; outbreak in Milwaukee in 1993 sickened 400,000 with 100 deaths Guardia – intestinal parasite acquired from rivers and streams Pedicurists pubis – the crab louse that is from a sexually transmitted disease Repressiveness – parasite in the rivers that use vectors 6. Prisons – Abnormally folded proteins that lack nucleic acids; Prisoner’s 1997 Nobel Prize postulated prisons as the etiology of several encephalopathy’s; Mad-cow disease Koru – affected the tribes from eating people; peoples brains began to look like a sponge and caused a shivering sickness unprecedented-Jacob disease scrappier in sheep – sheep given a food called offal that had a protein-rich substance that allowed the sheep to grow quickly and caused the death of several; could be a vaccine for dementia and Alchemist’s disease if found wasting diseases in deer and mink 7. Distinguish between humeral and cellular immunity. What are the functions of â€Å"B† (Plasma Cells) and â€Å"T† lymphocytes? What are Mussolini’s such as Gig and IGMP? 8. Vaccines exist for a number of child hoof diseases. What are these? Which are viruses and which are bacteria? 9. Describe the stages of infection. Generalized symptoms include fever , malign, rash, paraphrasing, lymphocyte’s, photographic. What are the public health implications of â€Å"carrier states† in diseases such as herpes, HIVE/AIDS, typhoid, TAB, Bola. 10. Why is it so difficult to develop effective vaccines for: malarial, sadomasochists, HIVE? 1 1 . The sexually transmitted diseases (SST) have preventatives from nearly all of the agents discussed in class. List Studs which are viruses, bacteria, fungi, multiplied parasites. 12. Major factors which amplify epidemics: poor sanitation, poverty, high density populations, malnutrition, compromised immune responses, conflict (resulting in many displaced and wounded victims), environmental changes which favor reproduction of vectors such as insects or rodents, antigenic variation (the organism changes), behavior of the hosts (sexual contacts, unsanitary medical procedures, contaminated injections of illicit drugs, improperly treated infections). How to cite HK study guide, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Case Study The Dilemma of Dairy Farm Group

Question: Case Study: The Dilemma of Dairy Farm Group Between Redesigning of Business Processes and Rebuilding of Management Information Systems. Answer: Analysis Evaluation The Dairy Farm Group (DFG) is considered as a main food and drugstore retailer in the Asia-Pacific locale but now facing problems with the existing systems of the organization. Hence, the profit margin of DFG has also inflated as compared to that of the competitors due to the major issues that are arising in the business operations. In the provided case study by Ng et al. (2002), analysis on the existing systems and problems faced by the organization are also evaluated so that the appropriate system can be chosen for the organization to run their business operations. The evaluation on the analysis of the existing systems in DFG presents that those were only meant for business functions as delivering of information regarding transactions rather than offering management information or capabilities of decision-making. The analysis on the organization illustrates that there were only two systems in the organization as Store and Operational systems (Sikora, Tenbergen and Pohl 2012). The Store systems were deployed to support the business processes of the various business units as retail stores of DFG. The business units of DFG had own operational systems implemented on different equipment and programming stages for promoting, stock and warehousing as they were substantial in scale, complex in operation and business-centric in nature. The major issue that was evaluated from the analysis on existing systems of DFG is that there was no scope for exchange of information between the business functional units of the organization. Many business processes that existed in DFG were manual and inefficient that resulted into slowing down the processing of information as well as decision-making (Conrad, 2014). The store systems of DFG were not capable to store the full details of transactions by the customers and this resulted into lack of knowledge in sensing and responding to the needs of customers. The organization operated by uniting various small companies acquired at geographically dispersed location though the major issue raised as there was no communication network so each of the companies had to operate independently (Gulke et al. 2012). Hence, the business operations of the organization were affected by the issues that were raised due to lack of communication between the business units of DFG. Requirements Validation The analysis on requirements of DFG illustrated that there is a need significantly to improve the operations and profitability of the organization by incorporating a centralized management information system with proper technology and communication systems. The Management information system would support the managers for accessing information related to business process in different ways that in turn facilitates the process of making decisions for the organization (Beuche 2012). The organization needs to develop Ecommerce with business partners and customers to improve sales and satisfaction of customers. The organization also needs that there will be provision for information sharing and integration of all applications within the retail stores as operational units. In DFG, there are also mobile employees such as salesperson along with others in warehouse and distribution functions so the organization also needs to provide platform for remote accessing of corporate information by the employees (Ng et al. 2002). The Technical architecture comprising of core infrastructure services and business units that is required by DFG are presented in the diagram as below: Figure 1: Technical Architecture for the Dairy Farm Group (DFG) In the retail operations of DFG, Inventory was the largest single cost factor with an average inventory holding of 35 days. Hence, there was requirement for proper inventory management solution so that it can manage the inventory and keep track of stockpiling in the organization (Robertson and Robertson 2012). Requirements Management The requirements gathered from analysis of existing systems in the organization can be managed and fulfilled with the implementation of Management Information system for business processes of DFG. The critical necessities of DFG could be accomplished by building a corporate administration data framework, upheld by the right innovation and interchanges foundation. It was broke down that the necessities for store operations can be satisfied by embracing electronic retailing as a subset of its retailing capacity (Li et al. 2012). The application would interface with other useful units connected to the retail operations, for example, the head office, dispersion focuses, sellers, customers, and the money related organizations for settlement of electronic exchanges. The association was suggested that it is imperative for DFG to have an incorporated arrangement of utilizations inside every specialty unit to deal with the trading of data crosswise over business capacities. In such manner, it was prescribed that store applications interface with all the operational frameworks, for example, money, marketing, warehousing and Human Resources. The mobile employees will be provided secure access to corporate information resources independent of location (Asadi et al. 2012). The facilities will be usable, secure, and reasonable and provisioned at satisfactory expense. The improvement of Data Warehouse and Data Marts will encourage information investigation and settling on of choices. It was suggested that get to focuses on the proposed corporate intranet be given to the merchants so that in situations where direct purchasing by the stores was included, store requests could be sent to the sellers in EDI groups. Likewise, merchant solicitations could likew ise be sent to the Central Office in EDI positions. It is suggested that a precise evaluation of the required specialized aptitudes be made, and fundamental preparing arrangements and enlistment plans be graphed to have center ability inside the association (Beuche, 2012). It is trusted that in trying to augment IT adequacy, an association ought not to try minimize the expense of its innovation however amplify the viability of its staff. References Asadi, M., Bagheri, E., Mohabbati, B. and Gaevi, D., 2012, September. Requirements engineering in feature oriented software product lines: an initial analytical study. In Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference-Volume 2 (pp. 36-44). ACM. Beuche, D., 2012, September. Modeling and building software product lines with pure:: variants. In Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference-Volume 2 (pp. 255-255). ACM. Conrad, M., 2014. Verification and Validation According to ISO 26262: A Workflow to Facilitate the Development of High-Integrity Software. Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS2 2012). Glke, T., Rumpe, B., Jansen, M. and Axmann, J., 2012, March. High-Level Requirements Management and Complexity Costs in Automotive Development Projects: A Problem Statement. In REFSQ (pp. 94-100). Li, J., Zhang, H., Zhu, L., Jeffery, R., Wang, Q. and Li, M., 2012, May. Preliminary results of a systematic review on requirements evolution. In Evaluation Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2012), 16th International Conference on (pp. 12-21). IET. Ng, E.M., Farhoomand, A.F., Banerjee, P. and Morillo, J.L., 2002. The dilemma of Dairy Farm Group between redesigning of business processes and rebuilding of management information systems. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT), 4(1), pp.39-57. Robertson, S. and Robertson, J., 2012. Mastering the requirements process: Getting requirements right. Addison-wesley. Sikora, E., Tenbergen, B. and Pohl, K., 2012. Industry needs and research directions in requirements engineering for embedded systems. R

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Boil Water at Room Temperature

Boil Water at Room Temperature You can boil water at room temperature without heating it. This is because boiling is about pressure, not just temperature. Heres an easy way to see this for yourself. Simple Materials watersyringe You can get a syringe at any pharmacy or lab. You dont need the needle, so its  safe project, even for kids. How to Boil Water Without Heating It Use the plunger to pull up a bit of water into the syringe. Dont fill it you need airspace in order for this to work. You just need enough water that you can observe it.Next, you need to seal the bottom of the syringe so that it wont be able to suck up more air or water. You can put your fingertip over the opening, seal it with a cap (if one came with the syringe), or press a piece of plastic against the hole.Now youll boil the water. All you need to do is pull back as quickly as you can on the syringe plunger. It may take a couple of tries to perfect the technique, so you can keep the syringe still enough to watch the water. See it boil? How It Works The boiling point of water or any other liquid depends on vapor pressure. As you lower the pressure, the boiling point of the water drops. You can see this if you compare the boiling point of water at sea level with the boiling point of water on a mountain. The water on the mountain boils at a lower temperature, which is why you see high-altitude instructions on baking recipes! When you pull back on the plunger, you increase the amount of volume inside the syringe. However, the contents of the syringe cant change because you have sealed it. The air inside the tube acts as gases do and the molecules spread out to fill the whole space. The atmospheric pressure inside the syringe drops, creating a partial vacuum. The vapor pressure of the water becomes high enough compared to the atmospheric pressure that the water molecules can easily pass from the liquid phase into the vapor phase. This is boiling. Compare it with the normal boiling point of water. Pretty cool. Any time you lower the pressure around a liquid, you lower its boiling point. If you increase the pressure, you raise the boiling point. The relationship is not linear, so you would need to consult a phase diagram to predict how great the effect of a pressure change would be.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nicaragua's vampire problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nicaragua's vampire problem - Essay Example Killing vampire bats is a vicious chain of never-ending diseases because of the variety of bats both harmful and beneficial. Rogers masterfully explains the confusion caused by these vampire bats by first dealing with the problem caused by these bats in the poor town of Nicaragua. He reveals how people are scandalized by the presence of these bats and how eventually the bats are killed and wiped off from the community altogether. Here Roger introduces a method of awareness by telling his readers that there are beneficial bats as well who take care of humans as they are involved in consuming insects, leading to pollination of flowers and lead to increase in forestation by throwing the seeds at different points. As opposed to the vampire bats, these bats do not transmit rabies. Roger employs another method to introduce his main purpose of the article. He informs the readers that in the process of killing all the bats, one neglects the fact that mosquito bites are even more deadly as they cause dengue fever. Killing beneficial bats hence increases the risk of another noxious disease. According to Roger the death of the various species of bats is not a positive sign. He chooses to inform the readers of this negligence in a roundabout manner so that they understand the gravity of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflection on first year of university Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reflection on first year of university - Essay Example It is for this reason that the news of receiving an admission letter offering me a chance to pursue a degree at the university, which is the dream of every student, came as a surprise not only to me but also to those who knew me well. Surprisingly life at the university seemed to a very different meaning from what I had initially been made to believe. My first year at the university has not only been a success but has also availed a different world opening new experiences to me. During my first year of study, I have excelled both academically and outside the classroom environment. I have had experiences and learnt several things that I am convinced have pushed me a step closer towards achieving my lifetime dreams. Brought up in an environment where standing in front of even a small group of people was a reserve for the leaders in various positions in the society, or the educated elite, I consider standing in front of the class and making a presentation as the most important achieveme nt of the year. Like many other students in my class, when the content, which was to be covered in our first year of study, was given to us and we realized that the culmination of the first year work was a class presentation, I could not resist the temptation of not making it. Never had I been faced with such a situation before and the thought of standing in front of so many students together with our teacher was almost unbearable. Nevertheless, I knew from the word go I could not entertain the temptation of giving up and my philosophy was to always give the best I could regardless of the complexity of the situation at hand. Furthermore the exercise was supposed to impart in us better organisational and multitasking skills. Owing to the situation at hand, I knew I hand to make thorough preparations if my presentation was to earn me any good results. I therefore embarked on a mission to take advantage of any chance to stand and address groups of people however how small these may be in an attempt to boost my confidence come the final day of presentation. I could spend several minutes trying to figure out how the presentation would be and at times even had imaginary presentations in my mind. Multitasking between several activities was the order of the day, I had walk from home to university each day and not the everyday chores could be left unattended. Each day came with its new set of challenges and the situation always seemed to be getting demanding with each new day. Assignments were piling up fast and time seemed to fly out as the deadline dates always seemed sooner than expected. Despite our concerns about the increasing workload, no one seemed to give a listening ear. Pressure was mounting up on me and I did not know where to start neither where to end. To me leisure was outdated and spells of work were often followed by long spells of sleep because of accumulated tiredness; moreover, there was so much to handle in so little time. Balancing between these w as the turning point between those succeeded and those who failed and equipped with this knowledge, I struggled until I was convinced my last calorie of energy had burnt out. I knew the kind of life I was bound to live after my education would be greatly shaped by the kind of grades I could get here at the university; to me, the journey had just begun and there was no turning back. To an ordinary observer, my paths may seem to be running

Monday, November 18, 2019

Identifying Consumers' Trends in Canada Research Paper

Identifying Consumers' Trends in Canada - Research Paper Example This report analyzes and examines the changing behavior of the consumers and how important it is for businesses to analyze the consumer trends. Moreover, the report also analyzes how to identify consumer trends and discusses about consumer trend drivers. The report then discusses about changes in the consumer trends towards the food products and how Canadians have been spending on their households, transportation, food and health care. With the changing environment and market, consumer needs and preferences are also changing and one of the changes in the consumer trend that has occurred is in the recent years is towards mobile phones. With the advancement in technology, there has been an increase in ecommerce and online transaction and this report discusses about the trends of online shopping in Canada and also identifies the barriers that could hurt the growth of ecommerce. 1.1. The Importance Of Identifying Consumer Trends Consumers have a very important role to play as their behav ior, actions, thinking can not only influence the businesses but it could influence the overall society as well (Higham, 2003, pg. 9: 2-3). This is the reason why understanding the consumer behavior and identifying the trends of the consumers is very important for businesses (Higham, 2003, pg. 9: 6-7). Consumers are the ones for which businesses offer goods and services, if they are not willing to buy the products, then there is no reason why businesses should sell the products (Higham, 2003, pg. 9: 8-9). So, understanding the consumer needs and preferences is very important. However it is not an easy task as the consumer preference and taste changes and businesses in order to keep up with the changing consumer preferences and trends come up with new products every now and then (Higham, 2003, pg., 9:12-13). According to Mintel’s New Product Database, twenty thousand new products are introduced every month (Higham, 2003, pg. 10:1). However, introduction of new products is not good enough to meet the changing consumer as businesses have to identify the changes in the consumer trends and offer products accordingly. As it has been found that 83% of the products are not able to meet their marketing objectives (Higham, 2003, pg. 10:5-6) and one of the main reasons for this failure is to not understand the consumer trends and what consumers are willing to buy (Higham, 2003, pg. 10: 8). Therefore it reflects how important it is for businesses to understand and identify the consumer trends and how these trends and preferences would shape up in future in order to make sure that their products are able to match with the consumer needs, preferences and taste (Higham, 2003, pg. 10:15:16). Otherwise, the products would not be able to achieve their objectives. 1.2. The Benefits Of Identifying Consumer Trends Businesses offer goods and services for consumers, if there are no consumers then who will be buying the products and services of the business. Consumer trend has been defined as the changes in the behavior of the consumers in the long run that could create opportunities for businesses (Higham, 2003, pg. 16:15). Therefore marketers need to recognize and identify the consumer trends and it is the most important principle that a marketer needs to understand

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of Exchange Rates on Stock Market: Evidence from Pakistan

Impact of Exchange Rates on Stock Market: Evidence from Pakistan Today in the present world foreign currency is a key component or tool for different kinds of businesses, and many countries in the world did businesses in foreign currencies like in Dollars, Euros etc. on the other hand movement in the stock market index is a key indicator for the financial performance of a country. Stock market may have bullish or bearer trend which reflect its relative strength in specific period. It also shows the investor confidence and sentiments toward markets. The establishment of the relationship among the stock market and foreign exchange rates is important for some reasons. Initially, it can affect decisions about monetary policy and tax. Gavin (1989) analyze that financial market has a large impact on the aggregate demand. The policy maker should be aware about the relationship regarding stock market and demand. Secondly, the relation between the aggregate demand and stock markets may be used to forecast the direction of the exchange rate. It will be useful for multinational firms to actively manage their exposure associated to foreign contracts and exchange rate. Thirdly, currency is treated as a commodity or an asset in portfolio of investment funds. So the awareness about the relationship among currency and other assets in the portfolio of investment funds is important. This is not the first study to look at the exchange rate and equity markets in the world as well as in Pakistan. Like Aquino analyzed the foreign exchange exposure countenance by Philippine companies around the Asian financial crisis. It was concluded that stock returns were not statistically significantly affected by the instability in foreign exchange. But after the crises, there was a significant impact of the fluctuations in exchange rate on the stock returns (Aquino 2005, 2006). Yau and Nieh investigated the relationship between Taiwan dollar/Japanese yen and the stock prices for the period from 1991 to 2005. They found that among the exchange rate and the stock prices of both countries there was no long-term relationship. But this linkage exists only to shorten the period (Yau and Nieh 2006). But the present study is exceptional in the sense that it uses the most recent data of the exchange rate and stock market which may provide latest linkage to the investors and other policy makers in Pakistan. There are three stock exchanges known as Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE), Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE) and Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) currently operating in Pakistan. Among these Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) is considered as major and the well known stock market of Pakistan. It is regarded as a representative of all three stock exchanges of Pakistan. Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) formed on September 18, 1947. It began its operation with five companies that have paid a capital of Rs.37 millions of dollars. The first index was the 50 index of trade and was done through open-out-cry system. But now KSE has 662 listed companies and considers a main economic and business hub of Pakistan. The daily KSE-100 Index published by the Karachi stock exchange is announced at 3:10 pm. Therefore KSE-100 index can be used as performance indicators of the stock market in Pakistan. KSE played an important role in the economy of Pakistan in different problems like political, social, financial and other i ssues (Karachi Stock Exchange, 2011). To identify the linkage of foreign exchange rate with equity market is significant because of above reasons. So in this study the researcher tries to identify this relationship by using various statistical techniques. Rationale of the study The currency  market may be linked with  equity market  in many different ways. It can be seen that if there is an upward trend in the stock market, then there will be a large influx of foreign capital in the country due to international investors. This influx of foreign money would be a key indicator  for the betterment of economic position of any country. The adversary also sustains that if there is a long downtrend visible on the stock market, foreign investors, the most likely rush to sell their shares that would have a substantial impact on the stock market of a country. This reasoning can be applied to all currencies and stock markets in the whole world (Kathy Lien, 2009). The basic idea behind this study is to provide a clue to the stock brokers, managers, planners, policy makers and regulatory authorities that they actively share information about the change in macroeconomic variables. AND also provide considerable information essential for them, which may be used for future decisions about stocks and stock markets of Pakistan especially about KSE noting the movement of the exchange rate in Pakistan. This investigation is also useful for executives, managers, responsible for the decisions, researchers and students who are not familiar with the exchange rate and securities markets in Pakistan. Problem identification Due to globalization and technological innovations any one can access the foreign markets. The business in foreign countries needed to intact with change in exchange rate dynamics. Since, the exchange rate can be defined as the price of currency of one country expressed in the currency of another country. So the change in the exchange rate might have some impact on the macroeconomic variables of any country. The stock market of Pakistan may be influenced due to change in exchange rate. So to identify this impact of exchange rate on the stock market is a matter which requires intentions. Problem Statement The main focus of this study is to know that, how exchange rate affects the equity market of Pakistan? It further explores the direction (positive or negative) and strength of relationship among exchange rate and stock market in Pakistan. For this purpose researcher links the exchange rate with equity market of Pakistan to see a clear picture about them as they influence several other variables. Research Question What is the possible impact of exchange rate fluctuation on the equity market of Pakistan? Objective This study aims to examine the effect of exchange rate on the Karachi stock exchange. The objectives of the study are: .To analyzes the impact of exchange rate fluctuation on equity market of Pakistan. .To determines whether the impact is statistically significant or not. Resources Resources include financial data of KSE, articles, books, newspaper and internet. The data will be collected from yahoo finance and the website of Karachi Stock Exchange. Scope of the research It is believe that the financial position of an economy is vulnerable to the foreign exchange rate. So it is very crucial to explore the linkage between the exchange rate and equity market. The present study is an effort to investigate this important aspect and it tries to analyze the impact of exchange rate on the equity market of Pakistan. LITERATURE REVIEW In the following section, there are some studies associated to this area of study that has been investigated earlier by other researchers. Hussain et al. examined the Impact of Macroeconomics Variables on Stock market by using the periodical data of some macroeconomic variables such as foreign exchange rate, broad money M2, whole sale price (WSP) index, industrial production index (IPI), gross fixed capital formation and foreign exchange reserve. The period of time to study was started from 1986 to 2008. The result showed that, after the reform in 1991, the pressure of the exchange rates and reserves effects significantly to the equity market, while the variables as IIP, and GFCF had no significant effect on the stock prices. In addition, concluded that internal factors of the companies such as increasing the production and capital formation had no significant effect while external factors such as the exchange rate and reserves significantly affected the stock prices. (Hussain et al. 2009). Nishat and Shaheen analyzed long-term relationships among set of macroeconomic variables and the equity market of Paksitan. The macroeconomic variables that were used in their study includes: industrial production index (IPI), the consumer price index (CPI), M1 and the value of an investment earning the money market rate. Vector error correction model was used to investigate the relationship from 1973 to 2004. It can be revealed that there is a fundamental connection between the equity market and the economy and showed that industrialized creation was the major positive determinant of Pakistani stock prices. On the other hand, inflation was the major negative determinant of equity prices in Pakistan. It was established that the macroeconomic variable granger caused stock movements in prices, the reverse causality was observed in the variable in industrial production and the stock prices. In addition, argued that statistically significant durations between fluctuations in the bag and changes in the real economy were relatively short. Additionally, it was further argued that statistically significant lag lengths between fluctuations in the stock market and changes in the real economy were relatively short (Nishat Shaheen, 2004). Bhattacharya et al. analyzed a case study to explore the linkage between stock market and macroeconomic variables such as Exchange Rate, Foreign Exchange Reserves and Value of Trade Balance. They used method of non-causation that was considered by Toda and Yamamoto (1995) for the period from 1990 to 2001. Proxy used in the investigation of stock market was Indian, the Bombay sensitive Index (BSI). The three major macroeconomic variables incorporated in the investigation was effective exchange rate, the foreign exchange reserves and the balance of trade. The study revealed the attractive resulted in the structure of the stock market Indian, mainly as regards the exchange rate, the foreign exchange reserves and the balance of trade. It is suggested that there is no relation between cost and equity the three macroeconomic variables studied ( Bhattacharya Mukherjee, 2001). Dimitrova examined the association between stock prices and the exchange rates using multivariate model. He focused on the stock markets in America (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK) during the period 1990-2004. The result of the study shows that there was a relationship between the exchange rate and the stock market. The examiner stressed that there was a positive correlation when the price of actions were the main variable and be expected negative when exchange rates were the main variable. (Dimitrova, 2005). Sohail et al. conducted a study on Lahore stock exchange (LSE), the objective of that study was to observed the long-term, as well as the short-term associations between Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE) and some important variables. Using the monthly data for the variables from 2002 to 2008, it was found that there was a negative impact of the consumer price index (CPI) on the stock market returns in Pakistan while industrial production index (IPI), real effective exchange rate, the money supply had an important positive long-term effect on stock returns to Pakistan(Sohail Hussain, 2009). Robert Gay investigated time series relationship between stock exchange index and some of the macroeconomic variables of the price of oil and the type of change in China, India, Russia and Brazil, using the Box-Jenkins auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model. It came to the conclusion of his study in which there was no significant association between exchange rate and the price of oil on the index of the stock market of these countries. Moreover, there was no significant relationship between past and present yields of the stock markets in these countries (Gay, 2008). METHOD Sample Since there are 660 listed companies in Karachi stock exchange of Pakistan on November 7, 2010. This research uses KSE-100 Index as a benchmark to find out the impact of exchange rate fluctuation on equity market of Pakistan. Instrument and Measures This research will be based on secondary sources, thus no questionnaire will be distributed. The study uses the financial data of last 6 years of Karachi stock exchange (one of the major stock exchange in Pakistan) and exchange rate. This study will investigates the impact of foreign exchange rate on equity market in Pakistan. This study uses KSE-100 index as a proxy of equity market of Pakistan and uses exchange rate between dollar and rupees to analyze the impact of exchange rate fluctuation on equity markets of Pakistan. So, this research treats KSE-100 index as the dependant variable and exchange rate as independent variables. Procedure The following statistical tools will be used to examine the impact of exchange rate fluctuation on equity market of Pakistan. Descriptive statistics Correlation matrix Regression analysis Descriptive statistics illustrate the main features of a collection of data quantitatively. It may include mean, median, mode, standard deviation, maximum and minimum. Correlation model will be tested to observe the linkage between the exchange rate and equity market of Pakistan. It will also enlighten about the direction and strength of relationship between the variables. Further to find out the impact of exchange rate on stock market of Pakistan, the study will performed the regression analysis. The data of Karachi stock exchange will be compared with the data of exchange rate of Pakistan. Statistical tools including timeline graphs and others will be constructed and made use of to determine the respective effects and a comparison between exchange rate and equity market. Research papers of various authors related to the study will be studied and judge against with the results of this particular research. REFRENCES Bhattacharya, B., Mukherjee, J. (2001). Causal Relationship Between Stock Market And Exchange Rate, Foreign Exchange Reserves and Value Of Trade Balance: A Case Study For India. Website: Cruz, M., Walters, B. (June 2008). Is the Accumulation of International Reserves good for Development.  Cambridge Journal of Economics. website: Dimitrova, D. (August 2005). The Relationship between Exchange Rates and Stock Prices Studied in Multivariate Model.Issues in Political Economy  , 14. Website: Elizabeth. (2006).  the oxford dictionary of Phrase and Fable.  Retrieved February 10, 2010, from Encyclopedia. website: Encyclopedia. (2009).  The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English. Retrieved February 14, 2010, from Encyclopedia. website: Gay, R. D. (March 2008). Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Returns for Four Emerging Economies Brazil, Russia, India and China.  International Business Economics Research Jornal  , 7. Website: Gulf News. (2008).  Investment. Retrieved March 15, 2010, from gulfnews. website: Hussain, D. I. (2009). Why does Pakistan have to accumulate foreign reserves? Website: Karachi Stock Exchange. (2010).  introduction. Retrieved February 2010, from Karachi Stock Exchange website: Ministry of Finance Islamabad, Govt of Pakistan. (n.d.). Capital Markets.  Economic Survey of Pakistan  . Islamabad, Pakistan: Govt of Pakistan. Mohammad, S. D., Hussain, A., Ali, A. (2009). Impact of Macroeconomics Variables on Stock Prices Emperical Evidance in Case of KSE.  European Journal of Scientific Research  , 38 no. 1, 96-103. Website: Nishat, D. M., Shaheen, R. (2004). Macro-Economic Factors and Pakistani Equity Market. State Bank of Pakistan. (2010, January). Foreign Reserves. Lahore, Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan. Should Children of Illegal Immigrants Get an Education? Should Children of Illegal Immigrants Get an Education? Should Children of Illegal Immigrants Be Able to Get an Education? Education is a very important topic that impacts our nation as a whole. Some American citizens think education is needed for everyone while others dont. With the rise of illegal immigration, more and more people are wondering whether or not the children of illegal immigrants should have the same rights as the children of American citizens. Many people say that it is too expensive to give them an education, but if they dont get an education, the United States can see negative effects in the future. It is only right that children of illegal immigrants have the opportunity to get an education in order to learn the skills to make their lives and the country better. Illegal immigrants come to the United States knowing that they are at the risk of getting caught, going to jail, and getting deported out of the country. This causes a lot of fear and anxiety in their every day lives. The main reason many immigrants come here is for work and to better their familys lives. To better their familys lives, their children need an education. Today, children of illegal immigrants still have the chance to get an education because of the 1982 case, Plyer v. Doe, where the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (5-4) that a 1975 Texas law denying public-school education to children of illegal aliens violated the 14th Amendments equal-protection clause (Miller). Having this law is very helpful for those who do not have a citizenship. Most children of illegal immigrants face many obstacles throughout their schooling. Some start out not knowing English very well and do not have the help they need from their parents at home. Giving them the basic studies and a place for them to learn can help these kids develop in a way that would not be possible without a public education. The numbers of illegal immigrants continue to go up in the US, but mostly in states like Texas, Florida, and California. According to Berna Miller, the education of these children is important because California is already facing a shortage of highly skilled workers. If children of illegal immigrants are not allowed an education, they may turn to gangs and crime because they do not have a good foundation. If these kids grow up with violence and drugs around, it only makes their communities more dangerous for everybody. And not having a good education does not help in getting a job in the future. The same happens when the situation is turned around. If children of illegal immigrants are given an opportunity to become more skilled, they can get a better job later on which will help out the economy. Some argue that the costs of educating these children is too high, but when compared to the possibility of these children developing into adults who contribute to the economy, the United Sta tes can see itself having positive long term effects. Although some people feel that illegal immigrants shouldnt come to the United States, others feel the opposite. Teachers, schools and universities are standing up for the rights of undocumented children or children with undocumented parents. In November 30, 2016 presidents of 27 Jesuit colleges and universities pledged themselves to protect to the fullest extent of the law undocumented students on our campuses and to promote retention of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program' (A pledge to protect Dreamers). It is important that these schools stand up for the rights of illegal immigrants children because not all had a choice when coming to this country.   The presidents that stood up for these kids said their communities are immeasurably enriched by the presence, intelligence, and committed contributions of undocumented students, as well as of faculty and staff of every color and from every faith tradition (A pledge to protect Dreamers). That statement shows that h aving people from other cultures in the same education system helps everyone. Children of illegal immigrants are getting the chance to educate themselves while they also make their school better with their culture. Another problem that comes up with educating children of illegal immigrants is that even though they can get a public school education, most do not go to college.   In 2008, about 65,000 illegal immigrants graduated from American high schools, but only 5 percent went on to college (Preston). This can be because most immigrants do not have a lot of money and cannot apply for financial aid to help their kids. And if their children are illegal as well, they can feel afraid of being exposed when going to a university. Not helping these kids can be harmful in the future because they will remain low-skilled workers. In this day and age it is very important that people get a good education to get higher paying jobs. This is why the DREAM act helps these kids a lot. The idea behind the Dream Act is that the U.S. should assimilate, rather than expel, dedicated young people who are not at fault for their illegal status (Preston).   By giving these kids the chance to better themse lves, the United States can advance more in the future. By helping children of immigrants, we are creating members of a society that can contribute economically or even culturally. This helps the whole nation. It is true that even people who dont support these kids now will see a good change in this country later. Even if theyre illegal, these kids can create the next invention that can change the world. Many people are supporting the higher education of illegal immigrant children. According to Rosa Ramirez, a student at Miami-Dade College was classified as an out-of-state student because she could not provide the legal status of her parent. In the case, it is said that the student was born in Florida and that she had graduated high school in the state. The universitys rule was making her pay a lot more because of her parents status. It should not matter where her parents stand, what really matters is a persons motivation to get a good education. By making her pay extra, she had another obstacle to face before she could go to college. If she did not speak up, she would have lost the chance to continue getting a higher education. Luckily a Florida judge ruled that making her pay out-of-state tuition violates the equal protection of the laws guaranteed under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. More and more cases like this are being won by children of illegal immigrants. This shows that people are opening up their eyes to the importance of education for everyone and that if someone is willing to put in effort to get an education, then they deserve it. It has not been easy in the past years for children of illegal immigrants to register for public schooling. Even if the law says they should get an education, a lot of schools in the country are making it hard for these kids to enroll. According to Tim Walker, one 17 year-old student recounted to the researchers that she was told that she could not start school until after exams, delaying her enrollment by four weeks. This is because some schools think that children of illegal immigrants are going to fail when taking standardized tests. These schools are afraid of looking bad by accepting these students. Education should be about making people better not just caring about grades. Another thing that some public schools do is make up a lot of rules that have to do with residency or they make the enrollment process too hard for some immigrant families to understand. Sometimes if a public school does not want to accept a student, they will steer students to alternative education programs , including, but not limited to, those intended for children with serious behavioral problems, even if the student in question displays no such issues (Walker). This is another unfair way to treat children of illegal immigrants. If a student does not have behavioral problems and only wants to succeed, they should not be forced to take another step back. Even though it seems like the country is split up over this problem, it is good to see things through a humans plain point of view. If a human did nothing wrong and is being denied an education which only makes a them better, then there is a problem. If we let children of illegal immigrants follow their dreams and make something of themselves then we can expect good results. By giving these kids the tools, they can create a better America in the future. Many of them have different talents and intelligence that can be a good thing for this country. Their parents risked a lot to help them have a brighter future. If we deny education to children of illegal immigrants, we are denying the American dream. Works Cited A Pledge to Protect Dreamers. America 19 Dec. 2016: 10. General OneFile. Web. 9 Feb. 2017. Miller, Berna. Educating the other Children. American Demographics Oct. 1997: 49. General OneFile. Web. 10 Feb. 2017. Preston, Julia. Raised in the U.S., but Still Illegal: How Should the U.S. Treat a Million Young People Who Were Brought Here Illegally as Children? New York Times Upfront 15 Mar. 2010: 8. General OneFile. Web. 10 Feb. 2017. Ramirez, Rosa. Judge: U.S.-Born Children of Undocumented Parents Can Pay In-State Tuition. 6 Sept. 2012: n. pag. General OneFile. Web. 10 Feb. 2017. Walker, Tim. How Undocumented Students Are Turned Away From Public Schools. NEA Today. N.p., 23 Apr. 2016. Web. 22 Feb. 2017. Interactive Whiteboards: Advantages and Disadvantages Study Interactive Whiteboards: Advantages and Disadvantages Study Having personally conducted surveys whilst studying at University in England and Australia, I found at times it was frustrating, time consuming and the strike rate less than 5%. At other times it was very rewarding with the strike rate at a healthy 30%. Firstly the paper will take a look at four different papers and what pro and cons they gathered on IWBs Secondly the paper will contain a model for conducting a large scale research survey. It will contain: The initial phase to implement the survey The methodology used to collect data The questions used in the survey Analysis of the data Justification The research is very important for teachers as it let them know if the IWB improves the pedagogy in teaching and learning. It will also help the teachers understand their weaknesses and strengths using new technology in the teaching and learning environment. They will then be able to plan their lessons so the students are able to get a full understanding of the IWB as a teaching tool and not a plaything. The teachers may find they have to teach basic computer skills to the students, such as: Terminology (literacy) How to turn their computers on How to log in and out Software use How to access the internet Key board skills The teachers may say that they do not have time to teach a separate subject as it will encroach on the lessons they are teaching. Without recognising the weaknesses of the students, in using the IWB, the students may miss out on valuable opportunities that are fundamental in their pedagogy growth Quotes According to Sudgen that something, â€Å"as bland as a projected image could be used interactively in this way† (Sudgen 2002). The difficulties he experienced with the IWB showed that there were logging on problems by the students and if the IWB was knocked it had to be re-calibrated (Sudgen 2002) Other problems encountered were light shinning on the IWB caused shadows making it difficult to see the images, the key board only shows lower case letters, making it hard for some students to recognise letters and problems caused by the students resting their hand on the IWB whilst writing (Sudgen 2002) Even with the difficulties Sudgen encountered during the lesson, he found the students worked with each other on how to find the correct word and its’ spelling using the IWB (Sudgen 2002). He also found by the end of the lesson the students had gained confidence in using the IWB even if they put in the wrong answer, they all supported each other by offering alternative answers (Sudgen 2002) Research by Dorothy Walker at the Royal Docks Community School in 2003 found some surprising results IWBs’ had on the pedagogy of the students and how it improved the time teachers spent actually teaching. With the help of the deputy head, Tom Smith, Walker found that the teachers where getting 20 – 25 per cent more time teaching (Walker 2003) The school was that impressed with the value of the IWB; they have 54, which are housed in a purpose built building (Walker 2003) Smith has asked to be benched marked against other schools, but as yet Ofsted â€Å"can’t find anyone like us† (Walker 2003) The Docklands school has 1,200 who speak over 48 languages, this made Smith search for innovative technologies to help the students, whose special needs exceeded 10 times the national average. When Smith first saw the IWB he knew it would help with literacy, as many of the students are visual learners (Walker 2003) The students are enthusiastic in helping new teachers use the IWB as well, (the teachers) receive extensive in house training (Walker 2003) The students use the IWB to interact with each other’s ideas by sharing their work, with over 600 PCs in the school the students can access the IWB to evaluate what they have be presented with in the previous lessons as well as being able to download their homework. Hull University together with Promethean (the maker of IWBs) and with funding from NESTA carried out research in August 2002, to find out how effective IWBs are in delivering excellence in the teaching and learning environment (Hull University 2002) The aim of the project over two years, focused on 200 classroom observations in schools and colleges. During the observations the researches noted the strengths and weaknesses of the teachers using IWBs in teaching and learning. The data collected helped them develop digital resources used for research in the learning environment. The researchers found that teachers have to consider that IWBs can be beneficial for teaching if they make sure the students can see the fonts from all areas of the classroom, they can all hear the IWB and that light entering the room may make the IWB hard to read. They found that teaches could use wireless technology so they don’t have to go back to their computer, also the teachers could use the IWBs technology to save time by saving the WEB sites accessed on the hard drive (Hull University 2002) Using an interactive whiteboard (IWB) The research taken out relied on a single researcher observing lessons using an interactive white board and conducting interviews with teachers The primary school was purposely built for teachers to use ICT and how it would enhance pedagogy in learning and teaching (Beauchamp 2004) Over the period of two years the teachers where trained on how to use ICT, giving them differing levels of confidence. When they started in the new school the IWB was new to them. The researcher divided the data collection into four stages: Data collection Validation Interpretation Action (Beauchamp 2004) The researcher had the consent of the teachers and management to observe seven teachers using the IWB over a two day period (Beauchamp 2004) During the lesson the researcher took contemporaneous notes and after the lesson the researcher had an unstructured interview with the teacher on any issues they had using ICT and the IWB During the initial stages the teachers where given plenty of notice by the researcher what lessons would be observed The researchers noted the amount of skills the teachers had in using ICT, and teachers’ pedagogic practices in using ICT. It was noted that there was a range of skills and competencies in using ICT. The researcher categorised the skills and competencies of each teacher by: Black / white board substitute Apprentice user Initiate user Advanced user Synergistic user (Beauchamp 2004) Validation After the initial phase of the observation the researcher was able to table the characteristics of the teacher and how they progressed. The second stage of observation carried out a year later allowed the teachers’ time to develop their skills and pedagogy in using ICT During the second stage of the research, the focus of the observations matched the skills on the framework developed from the data collected from the initial stage. The interviews conducted with the teachers were taped in order to validate and ground the findings (Beauchamp 2004) During the second stage interviews the teachers were given the frameworks developed from the first stage. Unlike the initial interviews, the framework provided a structure to the questions asked by the researcher The research did not take into account the years of experience and age of the teachers, as its’ aim was to get an overall representation of all primary school teachers. This eliminated any variables to ensure a model was developed which represented all teachers (Beauchamp 2004) Interpretation and Action A qualitative analysis was used to analyse the data collected by the researcher. The data collected identified common features as well key differences in areas of cognitive and pedagogical development of how teachers used ICT and IWB The variables noted were: Operating system use Mechanical skills Program variables Classroom management and pedagogy (Beauchamp 2004) The researcher noted on occasions there where advancements predominantly in the pedagogical and mechanical skills of the teachers. Difficulties The research conducted in the primary school looked at how the teachers used and implemented ICT and IWB in the learning and teaching environment. The research was conducted over two days observing and interviewing the teachers in two stages, with a gap of one year between each stage. The length of time between each stage may of led to a belief by the teachers that they had plenty of time to improve their skills. The evidence presented by the researcher does not suggest the skills where improved in leaps and abounds over the year. Seven teachers took part in the research; all had prior knowledge of which lessons would be observed. The small number of teachers used in the research would make it very difficult and probably bias to come to a general consensus. The interviews in stage one were unstructured, whereas in stage two they were taped and structured. The problems of having an unstructured interview would of made the analysis of the data unreliable and complex in being able to validate the findings. Stage Two The initial phase to implement the survey I would look at getting backing from the Education Department to conduct the survey. This would give the survey credibility and help to get participation from the schools’ management and teachers. The letter to the Department of Education will contain this preamble: Problem Definition i.e. The use of the Interactive White Board (IWB) in the teaching and learning environment and how it improves pedagogy. With the event of new technologies used in the classroom there is a need for the system to be investigated. Increasing the knowledge of teachers in the use of IWB will give them knowledge of its’ potential as a tool in the pedagogy process. If teachers feel more comfortable using the IWB it will benefit them in lesson planning, understanding the needs of their students and how to combat any difficulties their students may have. The IWB is expensive, but it is here to stay, with the emphasis on using Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in the 21st century classroom. If a teacher feels incompetent in using the IWB they may not use it in primary schools. This could disadvantage the students when they go to higher education. The aim is to ask primary schools to participate in a wide scale research project. Data will be collected by way of: An online questionnaire Interviews Observations The survey will not contain any personal information on teachers or students. Note: The preamble would be written as a letter The letter will include the questionnaire and any other relevant material that will support the proposal. Bu way of a bulletin, primary schools will be asked to participate in a large scale research project. The rational of which is to improve the use of new technologies in teaching and learning. The schools will be told that the survey will be online and conducted by way of observation and interviews. They will be able to pick which ones they would be happy to participate in. The schools will be asked to register at an encrypted WEB site. After registration the schools that register will be given a registration number. The schools will be required to provide: Size and type of school i.e. private, public, special ed etc Subjects taught using IWB The range of teachers experience Location; city suburban, country The schools will be then asked to fill in the online questionnaire (below) The survey: After collecting the online survey an analysing by way by way of graphs the second phase of the survey will come into place. This will entail a suitably qualified person going to schools and conducting the observations and interviews e.g. retired teacher The observation and interview will be conducted with an arrangement between the teacher and data collector. The observer will note: The subject being taught. The grade being taught. What the IWB was used for e.g. Internet, research etc. Length of time the teacher used the IWB. Whether it improved pedagogy or complemented it. The competency of the teacher. During the interview, the observer will ask the teacher: How the IWB complimented their pedagogy. Had they had training on the use of the IWB How long had they been using the IWB Would they like more training Any issues they have with the IWB Any improvements The interviews should take no longer then five minutes with a tick box sheet and a small comment section. The data collector will then log into the WEB site and upload all the data Conclusion Without large scale research it is very easy to generalise and come to conclusions that the researcher wants. As we found at Docklands, Smith could not get a benchmark that would help him assess the effectiveness of using the IWB Other researchers collected data from a small group, compared to the amount of schools, yet they tried to generalise their finding to the overall schools populace. It seems that IWBs are going to be the future of teaching, therefore the Education Departments and Governments need to make certain data collected on the benefits of IWBs needs to quantitive and qualitive, without which could lead to problems in literacy and pedagogy that will impact on teachers and students alike. Bibliography Internet Druin A, et al,, Sydney Australia,  13 May 2006 Beauchamp Gary,, Sydney Australia, 15th May 2006 Hull University,,Sydney Australia,   27th May 2006 Roschelle J,, Sydney Australia 13 May 2006 Sudgen D, , Sydney Australia, 27th May 2006 Walker D,, Sydney Australia, 27th May 2006 The complete addresses Bibliography Internet Druin A, et al,, Sydney Australia 13 May 2006 Beauchamp Gary,, Sydney Australia 15th May 2006 Roschelle J,, Sydney Australia 13 May 2006 The complete addresses

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Challenges of Small Businesses :: Essays Papers

Challenges of Small Businesses Growth in the small and medium business in Canada and other developed countries has been very significant. This sector of the business community now represents about 40 percent of GDP and accounts more than half of total employment. Today small businesses are more diverse and more vigorous than ever, but they also faces newer and more challenges or inhibitors to their growth than their older conter parts. This research will attempt to find the answer to the following hypothetical question: "What are the barrier to entry, inhibitors to growth, and detriments to the health of small business and entrepreneurship today?" Access to capital and credit at various stages in the business life cycle is identified as the major hurdle by the entrepreneurs. For many small firms and most start-ups, the personal funds of the business owners and entrepreneur and those of relatives and acquaintances constitute as the major source of capital. For many small businesses, especially during the early years of their operation, credit is simply not available. For many others, the limited available credit is not through bank loans. Due to this many of them rely on multiple credit card balances and home equity loans as major sources of credit for start-up firm. Because banks are bound by laws and regulations to prudent lending standards that require them a risk management assessment for each loan made. These regulations were made more vigor during the late 1980'' and early 1990 . Banks always found that lending to manufacturing firm with hard asset such as property, equipment, and inventory has always been easier than lending to today's expanding service sector firms. Because the service sector firms own few hard asses, therefor lending judgment have to be based in terms of character, markets, and cashflow, which make it difficult to the bank to meet the regulations for the approval of the loan. Additional, the banking industry, as well as the entire financial sector of the economy, is undergoing rapid change. In the future banking industry will be divided into global, national and super-regional banks and a much smaller number of community banks. It is expected of these banks primarily super regional banks and community banks will extend their services to the needs smaller business through large loan processing centers utilizing credit-scoring techniques and "intelligent models" (artificial intelligence-derived computer-based models) .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Representation of Interests Matrix and Paper Essay

Within Public Policy there are different interests that are affected once the issue has been brought forward to the government by citizens who are sending e-mails, or telephone calls advising of the issues that are affecting society, what the citizens do not know is that with every issue within public policy that has to be passed by the government and attempted to get resolved has a significant affect or groups and organizations. The identified groups and organizations represent my interests in a significant manner because due to my profession I am aware that crime has been a problem for society for quite a long time, I am aware that there has been multiple attempts to reduce crime, such as the hiring of more police officers, programs that protect victims and witnesses of a crime. Therefore I believe crime is a significant interest. As for education experiencing affects by public policy, I think this is by far the most important. I have a child and am extremely aware of the problems that have affected our education systems significantly due to the lack of financial support from the government and also the increase in college education, books, etc. I am aware of the government attempting to clear the tax deficit and financial problem that our country is currently facing, but education is not the way to do it. As for the other remaining identified groups such as Foreign policy, Health care, and Social Welfare, they also represent my interests in a significant manner. For example Health care, has affected me significant due to our president passed the new reform my employer checks have significantly dropped from what I used to gross monthly, due to the fact that we are taking a hit because we are assisting those with no medical health care and those who are receiving assistance from the government, such as parolees and prior drug addicts, or convicts. The groups represent my interest by all means, ultimately besides us taxpayers who are affected based off the government trying to accommodate all the citizens who continue to write emails requesting assistance for the interests that are affected by public policy. As for any instanc es in which my interests compete with one another, Yes they are significant. For example, Health care and Social Welfare go hand in hand for me. The reason that these two interests go hand in hand for me is because once gain based on my work and what I have been exposed to during the military and also being familiar with the cost of healthcare, I take it as an offense to provide for those who personally do not deserve Healthcare. I strongly believe that if your not physically incapable of working, or able to care for yourself, or gravely disabled I will be the first one to help these citizens. As for Social Welfare, I also believe that the government is to lenient on how they assist the needed. Some of the interest that I chose are significant to me and my family and loved ones, but I think that the most interest affected by public policy that is in conflict with those of the general public will have to be healthcare. I remember i was working the day when our president passed the new Healthcare reform, and how citizens were running outside the streets celebrating that they will now have medical assistance. At first I did not think anything of it until the following morning during Roll Call when we were advised by our lieutenant that it will affect us significantly especially financially. As the months went by I started to notice my checks to get smaller and smaller. I am aware that the general public’s thinking is different than mine, but do not get me wrong I will be the first one to help someone I have been doing it for 13 years of my life, but when citizens take advantage that is when I have a problem. In conclusion I have provided my own personal opinions of how my identified groups represent my own personal interests, I also provided examples on what means do my groups use to represent my interests. I also debated on instances in that my interests compete with one another. Finally I was precise and straight forward on my interests and how some of them conflict with those of the general public. References

Friday, November 8, 2019

image analysis on photographers Essays

image analysis on photographers Essays image analysis on photographers Essay image analysis on photographers Essay Image Analysis William Klein (1955) ,Broadway and 103rd Street, New York Available at: amicortina. com/fotpuntvistaingles/kleine. htm [Accessed 5 November 2012] DescriptionWilliam Kleins collection NEW YORK marks an important time in the history of photography during the latter half of the 20th century. The photograph Broadway and 103rd Street, New York (1955) captures New York street life during the time period, with the morbid image of a youth walking the streets of the city while playing with a revolver. The boys face is full of anger and rage, which therefore seems to be a reflection of the environment he is in. He points the revolver at the photographer but that doesnt bother the photographer and he still shoots the picture without 1 second thought. He used a wide-angle lense, which provided him with enough depth to him, probably his younger brother looks up at him with respect and admiration. The medium of the photograph is a black and white picture, which looks like it is cropped out of a larger picture. Born in 1928, William Klein belonged to a very poor Jewish Family who had immigrated from their country and started to live in New York, in an Irish neighborhood leading to him feeling estranged at school and on the streets. He was a bright pupil who had a liking at a very young age of the arts and humanities. He studied Sociology and later was also part of the US army for 2 years. In 1948, Klein went to study briefly in Paris and eventually began living there. When he returned to New York in 1954 for a visit, he decided that he wanted to photograph New York in a new way and wanted to keep a photographic diary. It was during this time that some of Kleins most famous work was created. The picture shown above is also from that time. New York in the 1950s suffered from a big racial divide. It was the era Just before the civil rights movement and it was a time of turmoil for people in the city. There was a downturn in the industry and commerce sectors, which lead to fewer opportunities for good Jobs in the future. Youngsters became cynical and were aware of the cultural, ethnic, class barriers. Therefore in Kleins photographs we see how he represents a ore explicit, vulgar perspective of the city. People struggles through all odds and the dismal mood of the city lowered the emotional prospect of the future. l was a make believe ethnographer- treating New Yorkers like an explorer would treat Zulus- searching for the rawest snapshot, the zero degree of photography. (William Klein, 1956, p. 120) Klein is known for his extensive use of wide-angle lense. In the early 50s Klein was introduced into the photography world, with a collection of books about cosmopolitan cities such as New York, Moscow, Rome and Tokyo. His black-and-white hotography catches the onlookers attention, as the atmosphere within the work is full of actuality, therefore enabling us to undergo and understand the environment of living in the 50s. His work mostly compromises of raw, gritty, black and white pictures and depicts the vigor and movement of the time with little or no regard for old-style work. As William Klein says in The Guardian: Somebody turned one of the panels when I was shooting on a already abstract shape was a beautiful blur. That blur was a revelation. I thought, heres a way of talking about life. Through photography, you can really talk about what you see around you. Thats what Ive been doing ever since. (Klein, April 2012) When Klein returned to New York he worked for 10 years as a fashion photographer for Vogue. He shot models in the busy streets of New York. It was a first insight into his style of iconoclastic pictures full of blur, and grainy high contrast. He used long-focus and flash and mostly liked to crop and blur his images, to create a feeling that you are a part of the action. Kliens work has a lot of resemblance with another famous hotographer from New York, Diane Arbus. Like Klien she photographs the inhabitants of the city in which she lives and seeks out those who live at the edge of society. Her work emphasizes on the abnormality of a place and is a reflection of ones daily life. The picture below is one of her best-know images shot in 1962, and is of a boy holding a grenade in his hand in Central Park. Similar to Klien she takes pictures of what she sees and doesnt think twice. They both took pictures that were strange and incomprehensibly troubling. Diane Arbus herself never described her work as normal. She would photograph things she did and said because that seemed more interesting to her similar to Klien. They never followed the moral code of photography. William Klein was never interested in photographs 3 that Just tell a story. Like Diane, he also preferred taking pictures that were uncommon and out of the box. Diane Arbus (1962), Boy with Toy Grenade in Central Park Available at: feralpost. comnp=443 [Accessed 10 November 2012] Despite the obvious similarities between the photographers, upon further analysis a few differences begin to emerge. William Klein took pictures of fashion and objects relating to fashion as well as governmental issues that pertained to society. He covered all aspects of his surroundings but on the other hand Diane Arbus only chose to take photographs of one specific topic. There is a definite difference between the mood and tone that the pictures convey by both the photographers. William Kleins pictures seemed more planned and there was a sense of humor behind some of the images he took. They were a lot more comical compared to those of Diane Arbus. SHE-RGILL, ISHE BAFPR NOVEMBER 19, The photograph is a bit shocking and denotes youth and revolt and the lack of color adds depth to the picture. There is a sense of sarcastic rage, which is displayed by the older boy who is holding the revolver. In my opinion, Klein seemed to have a keen interest in the contrast between the boys, both visually and in character. The boy holding the revolver seems particularly aggressive whereas the younger boy, most probably his brother looks nervous and weak. I feel the gritty effect adds to the seriousness of the picture. It seems to me as though they were a mirror image of Kliens personality. As a photographer, Klein seemed to have a reserved and deep attitude towards life but at the same time was in your face, similar to the boy with the gun in the picture. It is believed that Klein himself gave the boy the gun and directed him and told him to do what he wants. Therefore the image, which at first appears to be an impulsive picture of a boy playing, is in actuality a partially directed photograph. As a viewer looking at it now, it totally eliminates the element of intensity from the picture. l WAS AN OUTSIDER, FOLLOWING MY INSTINCTS. (William Klein, 2012)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gay Marriage and Decision Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

Gay Marriage and Decision Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Introduction In 2003, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled in favour of gays and lesbians, a decision which has stirred mixed reactions from different people worldwide. The practice is spreading fast, and becoming accepted by different countries and states, among them New Hampshire, Columbia, Connecticut, Vermont, California, New York, and Oregon. Other countries though, have strongly opposed the practice, with others passing legislation against it.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gay Marriage and Decision Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among those who have written articles on this contentious topic are Poet Katha Pollitt, who supports it and lawyer Charles Colson who strongly opposes this kind of marriage, asserting that it does not only affect those who embrace it but all. The future though, is uncertain about the legality of this issue, which could change at any given t ime. Katha Pollitt Pollitt supports the institution of gay unions and does not think it threatens the marriage institutions in any way. She analyzes the various reasons why people get married which she lists as procreation, men domestication, and the historical justification. According to her, there are couples who only get married when pregnancy occurs, and this alone cannot pass as a justification to marriage. What of the infertile, the impotent, the elderly, or those who indulge in family planning? What of those who get married for purposes of intimacy? Are their marriages illegitimate? These scenarios negate David’s and Jean’s lines of reason, because these marriages are as well valid as are those who are in it principally for procreation (571). Pollitt argues that this is one of the dictatorial and insolent reasons of marriage the writers could give. Supported by statistical evidence, Gilder argues that women literally domesticate men, affirming that most married men exempt themselves from wrong doings such as drug abuse, crashing cars, and committing suicide (571). On the contrary, he still affirms that husbandly failures such as disloyalty, betrayal, domestic violence, and abandonment, still exist in marriages. Pollitt on the other hand views these marriages as a â€Å"barbarian adoption,† and doesn’t feel that women should undertake it, because they haven’t been thriving in it nevertheless. Either, from the same point of view, she doesn’t believe that marriage should be limited to heterosexuals; because same sex marriages do not impose on the male enhancement project in any way. From historical point of view, Pollitt points out that the institution of marriage has revolutionalized with adoption of love, legality, monogamous and voluntary based marriages, as opposed to the old times , where marriages constituted of polyandry, arranged marriages, forced marriages, and child marriages. Gay marriages stand out like a fairy tale in both scenarios.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Critics of gay marriage according to Pollitt, have little consideration for many other factors that have weakened the bond of heterosexual marriages including wobbliness, individualization, the easy of dissolution, and flexibility, among others. She argues that basically, people get married despite their difference in age, cultures, health status, and even against the doctrines of their religious beliefs; so why not give a chance to gay marriages, who accordingly can procreate- as in the case of lesbians or adopt children where gays are involved. She goes further to say that in today’s contemporary society, marriage is not based on some baseless beliefs in social and biological theories, nor is it a societal dispensation, it is, and should be based on love, commitment and stability. According to he r, for as long as marriage exists, it should not be restricted to anyone who wants it. In conclusion, the bottom line of opposition to gay marriages according to Pollitt, lies with religious chauvinism, which strongly opposes gay culture; in fact there exist a an arresting connection of religion with opposition to gay relations. This explains why so many people can put up with civil unions as opposed to religious unions. The religious faithfuls believe that gays and lesbians cannot serve God as diligently, as they have already gone against the doctrines that dictate marriage. But Pollitt argues that marriage doesn’t necessarily have to be blessed by God but rather, what a government permits; according to her, it is entirely owned by the state. Despite that people undertake big church weddings, they still have to seek marriage licences from the state. According to her, gays and lesbians should be allowed to get married despite religious opposition. She concludes by saying that â€Å"gay marriage-it’s not about sex, it’s about separation of church and state† (Pollitt 572). Charles Colson Charles Colson, in his book â€Å"gay marriage: societal suicide† counters Katha’s viewpoint to gay marriages. According to Colson â€Å"marriage is the traditional block of human society† (577). He states that one the main reasons for marriage is uniting couples and procreation, principles which gay marriage negates, the result; crime, births out of wedlock, increased family breakups, among others. To reinforce his argument, Colson says he has witnessed the shortcomings of family breakages during his thirty-year ministry in prisons. Supported by figures, Colson argues that children brought up in family knit relations, are much more likely to be involved in felonies and disastrous life, than those brought up in split families. Further, children brought up in broken homes undergo more behavioural and academic predicaments, a vice w hich Colson argues that it’s largely contributed to by consenting gay marriages. Contrary to critics who don’t believe that heterosexual marriage are weakened by gay marriages, Kurtz argues that they indeed change the culture of marriage and parenthood, a fact that Norwegians have been experienced , through shooting up out of wedlock births and increased cohabiting after their courts imposed gay marriage in 1993.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gay Marriage and Decision Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Supported by tradition and history, Colson argues that the best environment to bring up children is within a family with both parents and that’s why according to him, same sex marriages should never be legalized. He finalizes by saying that â€Å"marriage is not a private institution designed solely for the individual gratification of its participants† ( 578). He is in full support of the â€Å"Federal Marriage Amendment,† which he says will help abate chaos and crimes (Colson 578). Conclusion Comparing the two writers Pollitt and Colson, their arguments stand valid to any reader of their work. Pollitt arguably supports same sex marriages, basing on state legislation, modernity, and freedom of humanity. Colson on the other hand, opposes the practice and devalues it in line of history, societal morals, and religion, which he is a strong believer. He insinuates that the acts of crime and chaotic life experienced in today’s world, are a result of broken homes which are largely contributed to by same sex marriages. Despite that both arguments pass, we have to agree that same sex marriage is rapidly gaining recognition in most parts of the world despite whether there is legislation in support or not. Its one of the things the world has to adapt to, because it will continue to exist. Some people even argue that, gay and lesb ians are not made, they are born. So what would legislation achieve in that case? Much as Colson asserts that most crimes result from broken homes, it’s not entirely true; there are other causes as well. In conclusion, same sex marriages will happen, either, its one of the disorders the world is experiencing, largely contributed to by individual beliefs and the modern lifestyle. Thus, the choice of what to believe in is a personal choice, which more often than not, is defined by religion and the rule of law. X. J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Jane E. Aaron. The bedford reader. 10 Edn. Thornwood: Bedford Books, 2008. Print.