Saturday, May 16, 2020

Zero Tolerance on Bullying Essay examples - 512 Words

Zero Tolerance on Bullying Bullying has been a problem in society for as long as there has been schools. â€Å"According to the American Academy of child and adolescent psychiatry, fifty percent of children are bullied and ten percent are victims of bullying on a regular basis† [Gurian]. Bullies are showing no compassion or remorse for the emotional and physical pain that they cause their victims. There are different forms of bullying, from teasing, isolating, starting false rumors, threats of violence, and physical abuse, which all leave long lasting emotional pain. With the Web being a big part of everyday life, â€Å"Cyber Bullying† is a tool that is often used by bullies to continue their victims torment. â€Å"A number of children and†¦show more content†¦The problem with giving the children that are being bullied, the chance to deal with this on their own, is that, if it has been going on for years, they might start to think that things will never get b etter, and if no one comes to their aid or ignores them when they ask for help, they will feel like no one cares; and they will start to believe the harsh comments that are being said or written about them. Children can be very harsh with their words, digging into their victim’s insecurities, as well as stating comments like the world would be better without them, or no one will miss them when they are gone, and it is these types of comments that the victim begins to believe, that makes them hurt themselves or others. All children are different and deal with being bullied differently, and to assume that it is good for the victim to deal with it on their own is a mistake. Many children witness others being bullied and do not interfere, out of fear that they will be bullied as well, and the problem there is that, if the children that are being bullied, as well as the witnesses choose to not say anything about what is going on, then there is a chance that the bulling will contin ue. The truth is that no bullying should be allowed, tolerated, or encouraged, no matter whose fault it is, or whether anyone thinksShow MoreRelatedZero Tolerance on Bullying: Article Analysis707 Words   |  3 Pagesarticle Zero Tolerance on Bullying: Letters in the Citizen Glouchester (2012) contains varying opinions about an apparently previously published article on bullying. A brief summary of the previous article indicates that children have been expelled from schools in the city for bullying based on racism. Specifically, the article indicates that fourteen such children have been at least suspended since 2008 for this reason. One of the comments note that, on occasion, what is known as bullying is no moreRead MoreZero Tolerance Policies in American Schools Essay874 Words   |  4 PagesIn all grades of education, from kindergarten to college, there is a form of discipline known as a zero tolerance policy. While the exact wording is different from school to school, basicall y a zero tolerance policy means that a student is immediately suspended, asked to attend an alternative school, or expelled if they are suspected or caught doing certain things. These policies are in place to hopefully deter students from doing drugs or being violent, but the ethics behind them are questionableRead MoreThe Case Against Bullying in Schools Essay1297 Words   |  6 PagesColumbine school shooting. One of the two shooters, Eric Harris stated in his suicide note, â€Å"Your children, who have ridiculed me, who have chosen not to accept me, who have treated me like I am not worth their time, are dead.† Experts report that bullying is a serious and widespread problem which can lead to school shootings and suicide. Not only that, but it is dangerously underrated as schools and adults are not taking the problem serious enough. Day after day throughout the country, kidsRead MoreHurt, Pain, Physical And Mental Distraught Are Just A Few1597 Words   |  7 PagesCyberbullying is using technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, another person. Cyberbullying allows a person to maintain anonymity and give them the ability to post messages to a wide audience. â€Å"Cyberbullying is speech that is â€Å"defamatory, constitutes bullying, harassment, or discrimination, discloses personal information, or contains offensive, vulgar or derogatory comments† (Willard, 2003: 66). Cyberbullying can be, a text, tweet, or response to a update on Facebook that is harsh or cruel. It can beRead MoreZero Tolerance In Schools1295 Words   |  6 Pagesand teasing – bullying. One way to reduce bullying would be zero tolerance. This is a policy of not allowing any violations of a rule or law, which will lead to suspension or expulsion. For this reason, reports of bullying toward the 2 boys who caused the terrible school shooting at Columbine High School, in 1999. Many psychologists, school officials and government at local and state level have tried different approaches to resolve the issue of bullying. Students who endure bullying on a daily basisRead MorePublic Schools Have Improved Their Safety Protocols1299 Words   |  6 Pageseach year. Because of the Columbine massacre, we have learned many things and are still learning to become better each year nationwide. 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These are things like zero tolerance polices, more security staff on campus, andRead MoreSocial Policies And New Government Funding Necessary1162 Words   |  5 Pagesthat come into play when it comes to suicidal behavior in adolescents. The main one that I will discuss in this paper is the environmental factors such as bullying or cyberbullying. Moreover, mental health disorder such as depressions and anxiety. bullying can be divided into two categories: traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Traditional bullying refers to verbal, social and physical. Cyberbullying occurs when an individual uses electronic to harass, embarrass and threaten someone else. AccordingRead MoreSchool s Responsibility On The Prevention Of School Violence1068 Words   |  5 PagesSchool’s responsibility in the prevention of school violence: Why the schools are responsible for the safety of children Every parent wants their children to go to school to learn and feel safe. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Diagnosis Models On Whole Foods Market

Organizational Diagnosis Models on Whole Foods Market Wanda I. Ramos Trident University BUS 599: Title of Course Professor’s Name July 21 2015 Abstract Organizational diagnosis is known as an effective way at looking organizations to determine gaps or needs between current and desired performance, and how it can achieve its goals. Open Systems Theory will be defined and briefly discussed in connection to organizational diagnosis. An analysis of four organizational diagnosis models was done to identify the best model that fits Whole Foods Market. Both strengths and the weaknesses were identified for each organizational diagnosis model. Organizational Diagnosis Models on Whole Foods Market Whole Foods Market is a company dealing with the production of natural and organic foods. It has numerous stores and groceries across the United States. In order for Whole Foods Market to be successful, they must look and choose which organizational diagnosis (OD) model would be best. A comparison of four models of OD methods has been done, and thereafter identifies the best model that fits Whole Foods Market. In order to decide which is the best OD model, a comparison of the strengths and the weaknesses of the company will be reviewed, and infer on the model that best fits amongst these characteristics. The Open Systems Theory (OST) is described as a system that has input and output flows, representing exchanges of matter, energy or information with itsShow MoreRelatedAn Organizational Diagnosis At Abc Company And Whole Foods2093 Words   |  9 Pagesreport is to provide data on an Organizational Diagnosis to ABC Company and Whole Foods. The diagnosis will define how various features of Whole Foods Market are aligned i.e. inputs, resources, efficiency, throughput effort, productions, performance, and strategy. They are curious to know if there are any substantial issues at Whole Foods, and how these problems might affect the integration of the company’s. Organizational Diagnostic Models An organizational model is an illustration of an organizationRead MoreEssay about Od of Whole Food Market1754 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Organizational behavior and structure are key factors in leading a company to be efficient and successful. Organizational diagnosis models have been created to allow companies to audit themselves to be sure that they are utilizing these key factors correctly. When a firm conducts an organizational diagnosis it is performed to identify strengths and weaknesses in its systems thus developing measures to improve the organizations performance. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Static vs Dynamic It/242 free essay sample

As a network administrator for a company, you want to configure an IP route between two routers. Of static and dynamic routing, which is more appropriate? ?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Explain your answer in 200 to 300 words. I think that the best routing choice for this would be a static IP; this is because for a company you may want to have the ability to check the log for problems. Using a dynamic IP would mean that the people that logged on to their device would be almost invisible because they could simply log off and log back on to get a new IP address thus making it much harder to find someone on the network doing something wrong. When using a dynamic routing it would be much easier since you could change the subnet and it would be as if nothing ever changed the computer would still be able to access everything. But in the long run a static IP is much more ideal for a company, dynamic is more along the lines of a 56k dial-up connection. We will write a custom essay sample on Static vs Dynamic It/242 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Static is also much more reliable for voice over the internet as well as the ideal choice for any server because of the speed it gives for uploading files. The other great thing is you could hid your IP (since it does not change) you may not want people to know the address, you could easily hide it from people who send out emails that you do not want, also known as spam. It could be an issue if your IP was ever discovered, since it does not change but all in all I think that it would be an ideal choice from the many other features that it can offer the company this my reasoning in choosing static over dynamic.